Name of test: Hereditary Cancer DNA Test
What does it test for: Prostate Cancer | Ovarian Cancer | Breast Cancer | Skin Cancer | Thyroid Cancer | Bowel Cancer | Uterine (Endometrial) Cancer | Pancreatic Cancer
Description: using a small saliva sample, this home test can tell you your risk of developing up to 12 different cancers in the future. Suitable for those who have a family history of cancer diagnosis
Price breakdown: Price breakdown Test cost: £549 | Clinic fee: N/A | Postage: Included | GP Appointment: N/A
Name of test: Female Multi Cancer Risk Home Test Kit
What does it test for: Breast Cancer | Skin Cancer | Bowel Cancer
Description: Home test focussing on the three most common cancers in women - breast, bowel, and skin. This test will help inform you of your risk of developing these cancers in the future
Price breakdown: Price breakdown Test cost: £549 | Clinic fee: N/A | Postage: Included | GP Appointment: N/A